Intellectual Property (Copyright & Designs)

Intellectual Property (Copyright & Designs)

Regular price $50.00 AUD
Regular price $105.00 AUD Sale price $50.00 AUD
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Topics Covered

1. Introduction to Copyright
2. Subsistence
3. Subject Matter
4. Ownership and Exploitation
5. Infringement
6. Economic Rights
7. Authorisation of Infringement
8. Exceptions and Limitations on Copyright
9. Other Rights of Creators and Owners
10. Remedies for Infringement
11. Design Law
12. The Copyright-Design Overlap


      • Consistent colour coding
      • Detailed case summaries
      • IRAC structures
      • Relevant provisions and legislation excerpts
      • Exam scaffolds
      • Notion compatible
      • Accessible online, on mobile and desktop

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      Enjoy, James x

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